Good news, my poison ivy is just about gone and I finally got back into the gym which is great cause I was really off in scheduling, studying everything, I am hoping that this will bring a good balance back. It seems weird that after a week and a half I would be so sluggish, but at least I am back on the horse. Actually I feel pretty great considering it is six in the morning and I just finished running three miles.
I also got a chance to go to a primary care facility on Tuesday with Fr. Bert, which is part of my pastoral assignment. It went pretty well and the people there were so happy to see us, it is really a blessing to realize how much just a little bit of time can mean to someone. I am really looking forward to getting involved in the prison ministry as well, but it will take some time for me to get through the proper paper work. With the amount of times that my background has been checked and finger printed along with the line of work that some of the companies I used to work for, I must be on some government watch list somewhere... guess I shouldn't take a class on fundamentalist religion quite yet or I might have some one come to my door!
I had a latin class last night so I did not get to watch the entire Mets game, but I did get to see THIS (sorry, best I could do was a link to ESPN's Motion video, just click on the Mets-Dodgers highlights). I couldn't believe that they got two guys out at the plate... amazing. Looking forward to game 2 tonight. I can't imagine what traffic must be like today in NY with both teams playing and being home. Hope there is another Subway Series though!
My friend Jitesh sent me this email which was just too funny to not share with other people. Now don't forget I was an engineer at one time, so I have a soft spot for Math humor and as you know I also have one for stupidity. So, here goes:
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